Geographic Coverage
CMME has a full complement of physicians available in the states of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, New York and Florida.
As our client base has expanded, so has the coverage available through CMME. We have developed a network to recruit physicians in all specialties and locations, not only in New England but throughout the United States as well.
Professional Qualifications
All practitioners performing evaluations and/or reviews of any kind are certified in their respective specialties and fully licensed to practice in the appropriate state. CMME confirms the certification and licensure of each practitioner – information that is available to the claims handler at any time.
Physician Support
Exclusive to CMME, each physician performing examinations in one of our Massachusetts locations is accompanied by a staff member. This procedure assures the accurate completion of the evaluation by obtaining appropriate claimant identification, addressing unexpected issues and providing clerical/procedural support for the physician. It also allows for speedier receipt of the report dictations.